What is the Best Way to Keep a Long Distance Relationship Active and Fun?

John White
3 min readMay 6, 2022


Long Distance Relationship
Long Distance Relationship

Image Source: Freepik

Keeping a long-distance relationship (LDR) strong takes a lot of work, and it’s not always easy for the both of you to make it work. But, after the hard times, you both grow and learn from your experiences together. A LDR can be challenging in so many ways. As long as you remain committed to staying in it and working towards making it work, you will know that you are doing the right thing. If you’re in an LDR, you know that being so far away from your special someone can be tough. You have to spend time with friends and family, and the time apart can have a negative effect on your relationship. But, it doesn’t have to be like that. While it’s challenging to keep a LDR going, it’s not impossible. Use the tips below as a guide as you seek to keep your LDR going strong.

Plan ahead

You can’t just hop on a plane and fly to the other person’s home city without doing some planning. This means setting up a time when you can video chat and scheduling a time when your partner can video chat too. If you’re in different time zones, this way you can still stay active in your relationship even if you’re both busy with work. You’ll also be able to stay together longer than you would if you just spoke on the phone.

Stay in touch

In an LDR, distance can be a big obstacle. If you’re in different locations, you can’t just pick up the phone and make plans to meet up with your partner whenever you want. This means that you need to work hard to stay in touch even when you’re not together.

Go for walks, cuddle and Skype

Let’s face it, in an LDR, physical contact can be difficult. You can’t just grab your partner and hold them tight 24/7. But, that doesn’t mean that you can’t hold hands, give each other cuddles, or even have sex! All of these activities are great ways to stay connected and active in your relationship.

Have fun together before and after work

In the beginning stages of your relationship, you may have been too nervous to have fun with your partner. That’s okay! You don’t have to do it all at once. Make a plan to go out together before you both go to work, and then go out together after work too. Don’t forget to make plans to hang out as a couple when you’re both off work too!

Don’t let work get in the way of your relationship

It’s possible for work to get in the way of a long-distance relationship. This can happen if you are both working in different locations and your job or the job of your partner is very stressful. Work can also get in the way of your relationship if you both have a very heavy schedule and don’t have a lot of time for each other.


Long-distance relationships are very challenging. They require a lot of effort from both partners and require a lot of patience from both partners. You will need to stay in contact, keep your relationship fun and romantic, and keep your relationship strong. If you are in an LDR, you must remember that it takes work. There is no easy way to make it work. It takes a lot of commitment and effort. Above all, you must remember that this relationship is worth fighting for. It takes a lot of commitment, trust, and patience, but in the end, you will be rewarded with something that is very rare in this world.



John White
John White

Written by John White


I am a blogger passionate about science and technology.

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